Affiliate Membership
IMESA Affiliate Membership-
Membership Categories –
Recommended for smaller corporations operating locally.
(<10 offices or outlet points).
Recommended for medium sized corporate operating in the major regional centres.
(10-20 offices or outlet points).
Recommended for larger corporate operating countrywide with perhaps ties abroad.
(20+ offices or outlet points)

Affiliate Membership
Affiliates shall be those consulting, commercial or industrial undertakings which have been admitted as such by the Executive Committee so long as their names are on the Roll as such.
Any consulting, commercial or industrial undertaking may be admitted as an Affiliate Member of IMESA provided, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, it is involved in business related to municipal engineering
Membership Categories
An Affiliate member may request a change to its membership category once a year when the renewal of its annual subscriptions becomes payable. Fees are reviewed on an annual basis